Saturday, June 26, 2010


Well, we are just finishing off our move (we will have to clean the house tomorrow) but we are now moved in to my Parent's place where we will be calling home during our build!

We are extremely grateful for our family and friends support - between my parents, my grandma and our best mates - we have our belongings spread across 3 different suburbs of Melbourne!!!

Well needless to say WE CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR BUILD TO START... we need this land ASAP!!!

Will let you know when we have an update! :)


  1. We know the feeling we have our stuff in storage and at parents and grandparents! When does your build start? We are will be onsite in a week or 2 thank goodness!

    Jazz and Brett

  2. LOL yes a very stressful time!!

    Our land is still not released as yet so we don't actually have a site start yet :(

    We're scheduled for an August site start - however Carlisle have advised that all they are waiting on is our land now... so as soon as we have titles we will have lift off :)
